Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Class this morning

Well, getting back to the article by Chernin, we watched an interesting movie 'The weight of the world'; it gave us an interesting view in to the world of obesity and the causes of it.  Are we super sizing our meals when we don't have to? Yes.  Are we the cause of our own obesity? Yes and No, for some it is blamed on our genes  and others well we could be our own worst enemy-we eat in front of the TV, when we are depressed, or because it's there- The 5.95$ buffet at your local restaurant.  
Are super markets baiting us with larger portions for a better price? Think about it.  Do we really need to buy more food than we actually need? The movie 'the weight of the world's' response to this is that, the logic is to buy/eat now as there will not be any food left later... There is logic to this response but this would not be a solution to the obesity factor.  
Dieting, can be a solution- in fact it is usually the solution that people run to when they want to loose weight.  Rather than taking the flight of stairs in the building or just going for a walk. Sure, everyone wants to look their best and be comfortable in their own skin, at what cost?  Our society today demands that we look thin/slender, buffed/toned, can everyone achieve this look?  Not everyone, does everyone, need to conform to what the trend is?  I hope not. What we do need to do is make healthier choices when it comes to eating, and exercising and buying food ... 
Please do not misunderstand me when I write, not everyone is obese and not everyone is skinny or thin- we as a society tries to do what the others are doing... Lets try and focus on being healthy at whatever weight we are.  Loose the fat that is unhealthy but remain healthy by being conscious of what we eat and do. 
That's it for my babbling on an on ... must go make dinner.    


Owen said...

I was particularly interested in the section of the movie that dealt with urban planning as a way to reduce or increase human activity.

I know Concordia is doing that to us by having the escalators break down /turned off daily :)

SomerShana said...

True enough... :) those escalators are tough sometimes... I must admit I wait for the elevator most of the time... (bad Knees) but still it's no excuse! :(

Yes, I forgot that part, it was very interesting- I learned about that in Urban Regions last semester. Learning about what makes a city a city, how it gets that way and why was something that I didn't really pay attention to - Not something one thinks about... It shed light on a lot of different aspects of city life and the people that live in the city.

Owen said...

Looking forward to more posts about that class! I never had a chance to take it.

And Happy St Jean Baptiste!

Owen said...

Hey I can't comment on your most recent posts - they are showing up in the side bar. And yes, very hard to blog in good weather!