Monday, May 19, 2008

K. Chernin- 'The flesh and the Devil' from The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness, New York: HarperCollins, 1981, pp. 20-28.

This article reminds me of a friend, no matter how thin they become there seems to be more weight to be lost.  This article goes behind the scene into a gym and on the scale...  Chernin writes about how women see themselves and how they think others view them.  They portray this image of thinness to the extreme and it not only affects them physically- it affects them mentally and then some.  Until it is realized, there is no negotiating- no loss- except weight loss.  This article is interesting because it is a glimps into what is usually hidden from others, how it affects every women that goes to work out and it's image on younger individuals wanting to 'look like that'. The article finishes on a brighter note- a woman who is content with her body and how it jiggles along with her when she runs.  To some this is gross or disgusting- to her it feels good...  

Chernin writes in her book 'The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness'  about this women in a different manner, I find her writing is at ease and not so tight and forward.  I cannot explain it simply- 
This image of a woman dancing cam with me when I sat down to write.  I remembered her expression.  There was in it something secretive, I thought, something knowing and pleased-- the look of a woman who has made peace with her body.  Then I recalled the faces of women who had recently lost weight.  The haggard look, the lines of strain around the mouth, the neck too lean, the tendons visible, the head to large for the emaciated body... (Chernin, K. 1981:27).
In my opinion she is right, some women who strive to be something they are  not look haggard and tired unlike women who are comfortable in their own skin- wholesome and happy.  Is it our perception on life that changes us or is it what society wants us to be?  Beauty is not in the eye of the beholder; Beauty comes from within. 

It is not my place to pass judgment on friends or family who strive to be thin and 'beautiful' - we all want to be beautiful however, it is what is inside that radiates out and shines through.  If only they could realize how beautiful they are without trying to shed that extra 10 pounds...If only they could stop trying to please others and please themselves...  all I could do is support their decision and give advice when asked... In hopes of them finding that middle ground where they are healthy and happy with themselves.


1 comment:

Maximilian C. Forte said...

Great, Shannon! I will add you to my blogroll. I am really happy to see this going forward. I will keep in touch.

Very best wishes!